Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Shopping and Sore Heels

I can't believe it's already Wednesday- in a way, March break is going by very fast. I've lost the first weekend and three days of the week already! It felt like it was going very slowly up until now because I hadn't seen my friends.

Yesterday we went to Mustafa, which is basically this big Indian department store. It sold practically everything you could imagine, and then some really strange stuff. I don't think everything there was super inexpensive, but the stuff I bought was. Among other things, I bought watercolors, cheap paintbrushes, and oil pastels. I'm the best at the pastels, and have had good fun messing around with them this evening. I'm no artist, but I'd like to believe I'm not terrible at art.

Today I went shopping for a prom dress with Flick and Cathryn (the same Cathryn that took me to the Singapore Zoo way back when). It took a lot less time than we anticipated to actually find and purchase it. Before they could start dressing me up like a doll, we had to find shoes for Cathryn. That took a while, mostly because she couldn't find heels that were short enough for her dress. After that, I was dragged into Tangs. Total, I think I tried on about 13-15 dresses. I was looking for a teal dress- but of course that didn't go as planned. After lunch, we went to Far East Plaza. There's this really lovely dress shop in there- more Western cut, but nice regardless. They were just throwing random dresses at me until they handed me this black dress that I ended up buying.

I have photos of it, but I don't know what the custom is about prom dresses at this school. I know at some schools, the date (or potential date) cannot see the dress before prom. Yes, like a wedding dress. But since I don't know the customs here, I will play it safe and not post photos. Sorry :(

After all that shopping (about 4 hours), we parted ways and I headed home. After dropping the dress off and misplacing my keys, I went to meet up with Nick. We saw 'The Hunger Games', which I've been dying to see since I heard they were making the book a movie. It was extremely well-casted to the point it was freaky- at least in Effie's case. So yes, if you're not afraid of a bit of gore, go see it!

Now I'm sitting around being tired and sore. I bought new heels today that I wore out tonight, which was extremely stupid. Serious blisters are never fun. Oh well....

Quote of the Day:  'Here's some advice. Stay alive.' ~Haymitch, The Hunger Games

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