Thursday, March 22, 2012

All Hell Broke Loose

I’m just going to start off by saying that I was not the source of the vast majority of the problems that happened today.

School today was pretty relaxed. I ended up watching Kung Fu Panda in Chinese class (with Chinese subtitles), which turned into a debate about the origin of calligraphy and dumplings. Some idiot thought the Japanese invented both. My Chinese pride kicked in around the same time my teacher’s did, and we corrected him. People that stupid scare me. Couldn't do African dance with my ankle still being sore, which was a big disappointment. I really enjoy African dance- I’m terrible at it, but it’s a lot of fun.

Law was nothing to mention, and free was boring. I’m reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for English class, and I can safely say it’s the hardest book I’ve ever read.  I cannot understand what anyone is saying in that book due to their dialects- Jim is particularly difficult. To be frank,  I think I understand Shakespeare or Homer better. That’s kind of scary considering one is old English and the other is translated from Greek. So, I fell asleep in the roundy-circle-chair thing in the tech office for about an hour. When I woke up, Nick was sitting on the side of the chair and it was time for tech.

Sound had an earlier call than everyone else so we could mic the kids up, which turned into just hanging around the theatre. For a while, everything was ahead of schedule… until we were suddenly 15 minutes late.

This performance of ‘Once on This Island’ was probably the worst night. It was closing night, which is a mixed blessing. I’m quite thankful the show is over- don’t get me wrong. It’s just kind of annoying that performers and techies alike are unable to redeem themselves from this show.

Overall, sound was decent- there were a couple of things, but nothing show stopping. I didn’t screw body mics up too badly or anything. Lights were pretty good too.
But the stage absolutely fell apart. Actors forgot lines, scenery broke and generally failed, mic sound-receiver things fell off, and Mrs. Silverman (teacher-techie) was caught on stage. One actor decided he was going to skip one of his ‘cues’ (to laugh) because he didn’t feel like it, which really messed some people up. Then after the show, a fair number of techies ended up running around trying to collect microphones. There was something really stressful about tonight- I suppose since it was the last night, no one wanted to make mistakes. In their desire to not make mistakes, people were kind of off their game.

 On a completely unrelated topic:

 I keep finding these amazing quotes from songs, movies, books, poems and video games. Apparently, I have nothing better to do than share them on my blog. So, for the very first quote of the day: "My friends are my power.  And I'm theirs!"-Sora, Kingdom Hearts 1

So now I'm tired, and have a presentation/essay due tomorrow that is sort of half-finished at the moment. Tomorrow we get to strike the set and then there's a sort of party at one of the techies' houses. That will  be fun. 

One more day until Spring Break!

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