Friday, March 16, 2012

Ninjas Style Pink Wigs?

There are lazy Fridays, and then there was this Friday.

I had to go to the doctor’s this morning, which means I got to school late (during the middle of second period). It was nice to find out that I’ve only ‘mildly sprained’ my ankle/ligament sort of by my ankle. Thankfully, this means I can resume dancing pretty soon after I let it rest and all that song and dance that no one ever does. Anyways, I arrived at school in time to watch my whole dance class take a class from a really cool guest artist. They were doing partner work and it looked like a lot of fun. I wish I had been able to participate.

After dance was lunch, in which I sat around and watched Cat, Nick and Hansen yo-yo. To be honest, I’ve pretty much given up on ever getting good at yo-yo-ing… I’m just doing it occasionally for fun.

Nothing noteworthy happened in Law class, but my free was another story. I went to the tech office and ended up styling a pink wig for the Middle School musical. I’m not certain why, but I’m apparently good at styling wigs (have had a bit of experience, but that not much). So, I sat a few steps away from the tech office for 40 minutes trying to get the stupid thing to curl. See, the wig hadn’t been washed in who knows how long, and there was lots of hairspray already in the wig from previous people styling it. Creating ‘cute little curls’ turned into a huge headache and a loss of all my patience. Eventually I ended up rolling curls, pinning them into place, hairspraying them, and hoping for the best. It was lovely.

Apparently, while I was busy styling the wig, Nick had been trying to find me. I’m not certain exactly how long/far he walked, but I’m under the impression he was searching for me for quite some time. Hansen and Nick’s friend Mike also were part of the search. I found the whole ordeal kind of amusing- if they had bothered to check around the corner of the tech office they would have found me!

Evidently, I’m a ninja.

There was no Middle School rehearsal (!) after school today for some reason, but I didn’t go home. Instead, I hung out with Nick and Mike at Nick’s house.

The only thing I’m going to say is: why do boys like such violent video games?

So now I’m home, and I’m quite glad I’ve gotten myself out of Chinese dance tomorrow. That being said, I’ll be at tech from 10am to 5pm, because everyone knows I don't have a life. 

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