Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Oh, what have I done to myself....?

Today was a relaxed day, since my only ‘academic’ classes were Law (naptime) and Chinese. I had dance in the afternoon, which was a lot of fun. This sounds horribly vain, but every time I do hip-hop I surprise myself with how good I actually am at it. Generally, for styles I don’t have a lot of experience in I have low standards for myself, and hip-hop is no exception. However, in class today the teacher actually had me in the front row. It was a nice change.

After school, I re-taught middle schoolers my 30 second choreography piece after watching another girl fail teaching her. The problem with her was that the choreography she had created wasn’t very good at all. So, the kids didn’t look good doing it because she could barely do it herself. Unfortunately, teaching is very difficult because one must do everything over and over again. I was very tired after teaching.

Because I hadn’t danced enough at that point, I skipped tech and went to a two and a half hour Chinese dance class. Apparently we are so behind in learning our dance that we have to take extra classes. I was completely exhausted and didn’t do a very good job. There’s something completely defeating about having the teacher yell, ‘AIYAH! Where are your DIAGONALS, GIRLS?’

Towards the end we learned this really weird movement that makes you land on either your ankle or knee. Since I didn’t want to damage my knee, I started landing on my ankle. It was incredibly unsurprising to me when I hurt myself.

So now, I’m just hoping I haven’t done any serious damage. If I stand up straight and then take a step forwards, there is a distinct feeling of something moving at the front of my ankle. That’s probably not a good thing to be happening when I really, really need to dance. 

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