Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Really tired Wednesday

Well, hello there.

I forgot to turn on my hot water heater so now I get to sit around (theoretically doing homework, of course) and wait for enough hot water for a shower. Why do I have to turn on my hot water heater? It saves energy and all that wonderful stuff. It's also a huge pain.

There's not loads to update about today. I had hip hop again and I'm really sore. For some reason I never thought hip hop was that difficult. Well I'm wrong. Very wrong.

Chinese class hasn't gotten any more interesting than the last class. Falling asleep is one of those things that are very tempting to do in class! Especially during first period. Then it's practically inevitable.
I may be saying this a bit prematurely, but Singapore seems to be getting less humid to me. Or I'm getting used to it. Either way, it's not terrible to sit outside at lunch and stuff. The classroom and school bus is COLD in the morning though. It's silly! I mean, I get it's hot but there's not reason to keep one's classroom a penguin and polar bear heaven.

Funny bit today: Mom and I switched my current rental mattress with the mattress on the guest bed (my old mattress) because I don't like the rental mattress very much. It was a bit of a production. It involved a lot of making sure the mattresses wouldn't hit the top of the doorframe or something similar.

I guess I'm feeling lazy this week. The day off yesterday didn't help, nor the fact that I came back to an easy day. SAS has a 2 day rotating timetable and I have one "easy day" and one "painful suffering day". This translates to "painful suffering please end" weeks (3 suffering days) and "I like this week a lot" weeks (3 slacker days). On another random note, I think I left my skirt in the girl's locker room. I'm not certain how I managed to do that but I can't find one of my skirts. Oops....

Well, I think the hot water heater is done. So, will post later! Maybe with a picture for a change!

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