Sunday, August 14, 2011

Last Day of Summer

Ok, it's not actually the last day of summer because it feels like summer time year-around here...

But it's the last day of summer break! Ahh! Panic! Run around screaming! Panic some more!

No... no... no... that's not what I did today. Instead, we exchanged the printer Mom and Dad bought yesterday because I couldn't connect to it. Then we bought a TV.

 And it's not any old TV. It's a freaking huge I-don't-know-how-big HD TV. THAT'S 3D! Yes, everyone. We are getting a 3-D TV. So if anyone wants to visit, we can watch 3-D movies (specifically, Avatar) at my house.

Then we ate at Cedele's again for dinner. I had salmon which was lovely. As well as a strawberry-chocolate milkshake which was really strawberry ice-cream and chocolate sauce thrown into a blender for a bit, then poured into a cup. Wonderful. Since we were at Great World City, I should mention how cool the bathrooms are. Each level of the shopping centre has a different country theme. The level Cedele's in on is "Japan". I love Japan! The women's room had geishas on the wall and according to my dad the men's room had sumo wrestlers. Personally I would have put samurai on the wall, but hey I didn't design the place. Got school supplies after that, pretty standard though pencils and such are generally sold individually here rather than in bulk. One isn't supposed to lose one's supplies, I suppose. Afterwards my family went on an epic Sunday grocery shopping at Cold Storage. I do like that place. It has everything! Even Craft Mac 'n' Cheese! I'm not suffering the slightest here in Singapore. There are Ben & Jerry's everywhere here. I don't know how people don't give into temptation and get fat here. And seriously what is with all the cute babies, kids, and pregnant mothers? It's kind of ridiculous.

In regards to tomorrow being my first day of school, I'm not certain if I'm more excited or nervous. I think nervous at the moment. Orientation made me more nervous, which is slightly ironic, but I feel like I sort of know the general location of my classes. Except for dance and drama. Those classes are special and get to be in their own person wing in the middle of nowhere. I'm not really looking forward to lunch tomorrow. Or any amount of social time. Having never been the new girl until now, I have no idea what to expect tomorrow except for what I've heard and what chick-flicks tell me. As I generally fall asleep during chick-flicks, I'm working off what other people have told me. And that's mostly that they got lost and ate lunch in the bathroom, which I have no intention of doing. Well, I have no idea where I'm going tomorrow and with my luck I'll end up in the middle school or something weird. I think it's time to get ready for bed even though during the summer I'd probably be just getting home, eating dinner, or wasting time on the internet. So good-bye summer vacation, I'll miss you.

Since I'm going to be in school now, I may end up writing less than I already am. While slightly pathetic, I'll make sure to post at least weekly. Or every three days. Or in the case of the first week, probably every day because I'm hoping for a light homework load. Which seems unlikely.


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