Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tech, KH... Such an Uncreative Title

Today I realised that my life is currently revolving around going to Japan, and tech after school. All of which are pretty pathetic. But today was mostly tech.

Today in tech I actually learned how to do something. It ended up just being me and one other techie after 4:15, so I learned a bit about lights and a bit about sound. Lighting is really fun. I never realised it as a dancer, but lighting can really make or break how a piece looks. IASAS dance was rehearsing today, and it looked horrible because of the awkward lighting. Under better lighting, I think it would have looked much better overall. That being said, the dancing itself was great. IASAS drama rehearsal was today as well, and it's really something different. I did the lighting for it once and it was pretty cool. Honestly, half of tech is common sense and logic. Which certain people *cough freshman cough* sometimes seem to lack.

I feel bad for a friend of mine who asked on his blog for people to write down what they would do on their last day, and practically no one answered. So for fun:

On my last day, I'd call my friends in the States that I don't talk to as much as I'd like to anymore. Then I'd magically find/finish my cosplays and wear them. Then I'd probably watch anime/read manga for a bit because I'm just that cool. And I'd dance. Probably some strange mixture of Chinese dance and modern, but it would be mind.  If I found the courage to do so, I'd tell that guy I like him. After that,  Towards the end of my day, I'd just like to be with friends and family. Bury me in gothic lolita, okay?

Since I've been wasting a surprising amount of time on it today, I should mention Kingdom Hearts. A friend loaned me his PSP (thanks again, if you're reading this) and I spent a sad amount of time getting lost in a virtual world where my character has funny clothes. I can't even remember his name now... Ventus?
Well, anyways it looks like it's my new addiction. This could prove interesting.

On that morbid note, I should mention it's really late and I'm not thinking straight anymore.

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