Saturday, February 25, 2012

College Spam and Life in General

In a way, not a lot has happened this week. I still have a cold (and took Thursday off) and it's going away rather slowly. I've actually managed to get some work done in this annoying post-interim week in which no one wants to do anything. Things have changed after interim- people missed each other and everyone seems to be getting on better. 

In English class, we've started studying poetry. Now, I like poetry. I've actually been writing it for years, ever since I was a little girl. Yet whenever I study poetry, I feel like I'm being force to drain a poem of all its beauty to analyse only its bare bones. This year is no exception, and is probably worse than previous years. What's worse is that we're reading Emily Dickinson, one of my favourite poets of all time. My teacher managed to make the poem so boring I almost fell asleep. Then, she knew nothing about Dickinson so I ended up giving the class significant background information on her life (for heaven's sake, I've been to the woman's house in Massachusetts). It's kind of painful to see good literature be reduced to a jumble of words on paper. Maybe I won't take AP Literature after all.

Something else that's been bothering me lately is the sheer volume of annoying college emails I've been receiving. When I got back from Japan, I had over thirty emails from colleges I never intend to even look into. I'm sure other students get these obnoxious emails, but sometimes it feels like I receive them in excess. To be frank, it makes these colleges quite unappealing to go to. Santa Clara University has sent me at least 4 emails, nagging me to reply. This is not the right was to go about recruiting students!

I'm going to celebrate a friend's birthday tonight, which will be fun. I got her a pretty nice present that I hope she likes. Then, next week is another friend's birthday! It's weird- I never knew any February birthdays that I particularly cared about until I moved to Singapore. 

Japan photo! This is a dragon water-fountain thing outside a temple in which one was to purify their hands. No idea which temple this was anymore. 

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