Sunday, February 26, 2012

Stolen Phone

I posted far too early yesterday, as there ended up being a lot worth mentioning.

First, I went to Chinese dance again after 2 weeks of missing class. They had changed a decent amount of choreography while also altering formations. Needless to say, I was pretty lost. I also apparently did something extremely rude to a teacher. Still cannot figure out exactly what I did, but I got yelled at pretty badly. The girls in my class thought the teacher was talking to someone else, and as I wasn't addressed by name I don't really think I'm at fault.

After dance, I was taking the MRT home with my mom while texting multiple people. While switching trains at the one of the stations, my iPhone was stolen. Luckily, we were able to clear the information off it as well as report it to the police. I'm sure right now it's being taken apart and sold for parts. My family is going to try and get it replaced today.

This is the second stolen phone within my family in a month! My father had his BlackBerry stolen in Argentina. Needless to say, we really need to get phone insurance or something.

Last night I celebrated a friend's birthday, which was pretty fun overall. I met up with her and another friend and we saw This Means War. It's a pretty good movie, I was surprised. It was about these two CIA agents fighting over a girl. Had a nice ending and was funny. Then we ended up eating at the American Club. After that, we went back to her house and watched the new Star Trek movie, which I've seen before but is still worth watching.

... I've had a busy weekend. Time to get a new phone, then do piles of homework. How fun >.<

Pretty kimono-clad girls outside a temple.

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