Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Joys of Sophomore Chemistry

Well, I've got a bit of time in between doing small sections of a worksheet I am fairly confident I am doing correctly, so I might as well blog. I've been pretty busy keeping other blogs updated and somehow this one has fallen by the wayside. It's really unfortunate, considering how long this blog has actually been running.

This isn't the first time I have blogged in class, and I always feel a bit bad about it. Yet, the classes in which I blog are generally hopelessly dull or highly simplistic. Sophomore chemistry is really quite simple so far- hopefully it will be interesting.

My school started off this morning with the annual Service Assembly, which wasn't interesting the first time I heard it last year and wasn't interesting this year. Luckily I was standing around with the other techies so I didn't fall asleep. Strangely enough, a bunch of us turned up to school in tech blacks (including me). Considering we weren't working a show, it was simply amusing.

One of the professional techies, Leo, is leaving at the end of the week. He's not a techie by nature- rather, he's an actor. Apparently he's going to get his PhD or something like that. Everyone is quite sad to see Leo go. During "Once on This Island" he gelled (coloured) Nick and my work-light in the booth pink! He's got quite a good sense of humor.

My Finance teacher is out today so overall this day hasn't been and won't be very productive.  I have Chinese today, which is good I guess. I don't practice enough to retain the information very well, which is unfortunate. At least I'm trying.

Tomorrow I have an English presentation, and I'm already really nervous. At this point, I can't even say the author's name!

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