Friday, November 4, 2011

History is Awesome

So I'm sitting in History of China class right now, and I really should be doing some reading about this eunuch guy who sailed around and traded. He even brought a giraffe back to China, which the Chinese thought was super cool. But instead I'm writing about history on my blog, because I think it's an under appreciated school subject.

History is basically ignored by students and adults alike, because a lot of people think it's boring. I guess it's understandable, especially when studying the pilgrims for the 800th time by Freshman year. Okay. American history in general isn't terribly interesting, at least the "really" old stuff with lots of white men arguing all day long.

Chinese history is interesting. I'm not just saying that because I'm Chinese. I don't think anyone can deny that mystical kings, long wars, stupid emperors and their concubines, art, music and philosophy are half-way interesting. Granted, most of the stories regarding philosophy aren't exactly action movies, but it's still interesting to see how people thought. The adventures and wars are fascinating.

So even though I am taking this class for my "Eastern Studies" in order to graduate from this high school, I still think Chinese history is amazing. And history in general.

Because not learning from history is one of the stupidest things people these days do. Short-term personal history shows why people shouldn't drive drunk or kill someone. World history and ancient history explains why we as people are here, and what the world has gone through as a planet in order to get to where we are today. It is proof as to how intolerance and ignorance is destructive. History explains why people from different cultures act the way they do, and how their values formed. Without learning from history, personal or global, we are all dooming ourselves to conflict and misunderstandings. why do so many people hate history?

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