Sunday, July 24, 2011


It's been a long day, Everyone!

I'm currently working on another video, however it's taking forever to finalise so I'll post it tomorrow. Do you like the fancy videos that have nice titles and all or the videos straight off the camera? Let me know :)

Anyways, today we went back to Demsey Hill and after a decent amount of walking around and some coconut pancakes at Jones the Grocer, we ended up getting me a vanity, desk and bed. While the vanity was in stock, the desk is being custom-made to match the vanity, and apparently all beds are custom made but I'm getting a super-single, which is basically a twin. Very skillfully, I did not take any pictures of the vanity or anything but I'll take pictures and put them up eventually.

Sort of an uneventful day because that's really all we did I guess. Had chicken rice again for dinner.

I've noticed there is a lot of American pop music here, like Jason Derulo (is that how his name is spelled?), Usher, and Pitbull. But taxi drivers will play whatever they'd like.

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