Saturday, July 23, 2011

Another Busy Day

Good Evening,

Today was another long, full day. We actually had an early start because my father arranged for a medical appointment for his back. It was then followed up by a physical therapy appointment, during which I worked on drawing. Afterwards, had lunch at a really good Chinese-style dumpling/soup place in Wisma Shopping centre. 

Went to IKEA afterwards and looked around for a while. IKEA is really the same anywhere in the world I think except there's a halal line for chicken Swedish meat balls. Then went to Courts and looked around but didn't really find anything. Courts has everything from small appliances to mattresses, but I'm not going to lie on this blog, the bed frames were pretty ugly. 

Ended up at Demsey Hill to look for a vanity and bed for me. When I was here in April, I actually found a beautiful vanity I wanted a lot, but unfortunately that one had already been sold. Found another one with a mirror though. 

Here's a picture of a picture of the bed I want:

I believe we are going back tomorrow morning to seal the deal about the bed, vanity and possibly desk. It's kind of complicated because we're leasing most of our furniture with my dad's company, therefore we can never own any of the rented furniture. The furniture we pay for ourselves on the other hand we keep forever and then get to figure out how to send it back to the States. 

Had dinner at Demsey Hill at a Thai brewery, which was pretty good. My food was really, really spicy. Bit into a pepper and had my mouth on fire for a while. Oh, spicy food is fun to eat!

Observation List:
-There are a lot of Muslims here, I think the Malaysians are Muslim and Indians as well.
-There are a lot of little kids/babies/pregnant women here
- If there's a helper in the elevator she'll hold the "Keep door open" button for you to get out
- People don't sneeze or cough on the street. No idea how they pull that off
- The food here is great. 

Things I like:
- Milo
- Egg custards
- How cheap taxis are
- All the greens here, it's pretty much a rain forest

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