Sunday, August 25, 2013


Somehow or another, I'm still breathing. I haven't romantically dropped dead only to be revived by magic. I would also like to believe I haven't been an overly melodramatic teenage girl- you know, the sort that irritates movie viewers and drives parents near-insane. It's time for me to refocus. I seriously need to get into the SAT prep, the college application, and all that other good stuff. Oh, and a social life would be nice too. And dance. Have to get that sorted.

Speaking of dance, I wrote a poem about Alice.


She tumbled into Wonderland-
A place of youthful dreams.
But the hypnotic Kingdom
Was not exactly how it seems. 
Eerie silence on the edge of song, 
Vivid pretenses concealing sorrow. 
Alice explore far and wide to find-
A land with no tomorrow. 
Knowledge intertwined with madness, 
Repressed liberation dreams abound.
Sadly for poor sweet Alice dear, 
She could not raze what she had found. 

Well, it's better than no poem at all I suppose.

Evidently, I am scattered. 

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