Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Singapore Weather in the Nutshell

Well, it's been a couple of days since my last post. There hasn't been a whole lot going on lately since the show is over and I've been coming home every day after school at 4. It's a little weird, but last night I went to bed at 10:30 so I am not complaining at all!

Anyways, Singapore has had its fair share of rubbish weather. It's been cool for the past week or so by Singapore standards, and definitely less humid. We haven't seen the sun in its full tropical glory for a while now, and its been raining/drizzling a lot. Oddly enough, I've been wanting to wear sweatshirts and long pants all the time. Evidently my blood has gotten thin-- and I'm not too pleased with myself as a result. In MA, anything above 50 F is shorts weather (if you are a teenage girl, that is).

Well, the crappy grey weather has got me thinking about Singapore weather overall. There are a few types for sure worth mentioning.

  1. It's so hot you want to die
  2. Steamy like a sauna
  3. Crappy and overcast (relatively rare)
  4. Windy and cool (occasional evenings)
  5. Rain Varieties
    1. It's drizzling... generally means that soon it will be....
      1. Pouring
      2. Deluge
      3. Impossible to see because of the rain
      4. So heavy you can probably swim to wherever you want to go
  6. Thundering
    1. In the distance
    2. So loud you think the storm is right over you
    3. Like the cloud is personally above your head
    4. Ready to burst your eardrums
  7. Lightning
    1. Lighting up the sky in the distance
    2. All cool looking
    3. Too close for comfort
    4. Hitting a lightning rod/building near you
Yup! Seems accurate :D

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