Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Today is a blurry day. One of my contacts fell out really early this morning so I only have one in. That makes the world blurry.  Confusing. Hard to see, hard to distinguish what is real and what is not. The stupid PTA is barbecuing hamburgers and hotdogs today, so the foyer of the school is filled with smoke. It sort of feels like the world is out of focus. 

It's disturbing to think that the school year is almost over. Though prom appears to be eclipsing it for the large part, exams are coming up. Exams, then graduation. Just like that, the majority of my friends leave.

Yesterday, tech club announced their new officers. And I'm not one of them, but Marianna is. A fair number of underclassmen are as well. While I'd like to say it doesn't bother me, naturally it does. Once you put a lot of time, money, and effort into something, you grow attached to it. However, I've been trying to dance again and it wasn't realistic to do Dance Performance, tech theatre officer, and four APs.
There's so much resentment and drama in tech that I don't know if it's really worth doing again next year.  Maybe it's best to go back to dance and be lonely for a while. Or do something crazy like focus on schoolwork as everyone is supposed to but no one wants to actually do.

Well, there have been a few good things going on. I qualify to be inducted into Thespian Honor's Society, which will look nice on my college applications. I will probably qualify for Dance Honor's Society next year, though to be honest I have no idea how these things operate anyways.

Also, I'm finishing this post late at night. Anyways, even though the world is blurry and sometimes seeing the path to go down is hard, I've concluded that it's always possible.

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