Monday, June 27, 2011


Hey Everyone (but really, the ACAS Girls) (and Teacher Grace),

It was great seeing everyone one last time at the banquet before I move to Singapore this year. Leaving ACAS has officially been the hardest thing I've had to do so far in my life.

 I joined troupe four years ago and was terrified that since I didn't speak Chinese, no one would talk to me. That first year was a lot of watching, observing how graceful the other girls were, and wondering if I could ever be just like them. I remember that lovely pink flower costume with the lovely gold bodysuit that I wore for "Dream of Red Chamber", and feeling very special that I got to do chaînés next to Stevie. I highly doubt anyone but Angel remembers that. For some reason I don't really remember my second year, but I think I was a fish. My third year was being in the "Colourful Butterfly" dance, and a few others. For some reason, all the years blend into one long stretch of waking up early every Saturday, dragging myself into the car to go to Woburn,  and moaning about how much stretching hurt This Early in the morning. Then dancing, watching, wishing and working to be as good as those "Big Girls" with solo parts and pretty costumes that did not involve bodysuits.  

So now, as I sit on the floor of my bedroom looking back, I realise how far I've come. I'm definitely still watching and learning, but I'm no longer a little girl (I think) desperately trying to catch up to the music, wondering what the heck Teacher meant when she told us to "dance from your heart". ACAS has taught me the true meaning of dancing from the heart, never giving up, and always looking forward because there's something else to work for once you've achieved one goal. 

Little girls, who may or may not be reading this, and if they are, are probably a bit bored by this point, I'd just like to tell you to never give up no matter how hard that movement seems or how fast the music is. If you put your mind to it, you can do anything because honestly you all are some of the most talented kids I've ever met. 

Okay, I'm done trying to give advice, and I'll try to stop being so darn mushy. If you can't tell by now, ACAS has really helped me grow up as a person and as a dancer, and I'm really sad to have to leave. 

Lots of Love,



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