Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I'm Not Mad... Yet

I do not know where to begin with this post, but I know I need to clear my head. Everything seems to be getting busy this week and it's rather tiring. The dance show is a mess and the only part of it that looks decent is the Tea Party (woohoo!) apparently.

Today was a weird day in general. There was a big accident on the PIE, my friend's bus got rear-ended, my dad brought home a heartbreaking story about a family separated thanks to deporting a woman for a non-contagious disease.

I'm exhausted. Senior year is a drain, and aspects of it make me want to cry. High school has not been the worst experience ever (that crown forever goes to Middle School), but there are aspects of it that destroy my faith in humanity every day. The amount I hear about who is dating who, who is wearing what, and who did this or that over the weekend makes me want to pull my hair out. Sometime I feel like a Vulcan surrounded by annoying humans. Live long and prosper...  At least I'm going to Turkey in February, otherwise I don't think I'd have motivation to do much of anything but daydream.

I don't know if I've ever discussed my personality type on here, but I'm an INTP. Apparently it's fairly uncommon for women to be INTP, and it's the direct opposite of the ideal woman (according to some articles on the internet). I'm not sure if this bothers me or not, but I have noticed recently that I think differently than other students around me. The level of emotion, morality and compassion other people use in their arguments flabbergast me on a routine basis. Is there no logic in this world anymore? Does it really matter how organised and cutesy your notes are as long as you learn something from them? Also, what is with small talk. You blab about useless things that you are forgetting as soon as you hear. Can't people talk about more useful things than the weather, if the classroom is cold or not, etc?

At the end of the year, I'm not going to be looking back at high school wishing I was still here. I'm ready to move on and talk to people who can think outside the box (that's not just high school, it seems like everyone here has no sense of creativity).

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