Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dumb People on the Internet

I'm tired of hearing people complain about how others treat them on the internet. It's seems really self-defeating that people engage in irresponsible behaviours and then whine about the consequences. I see this all the time on Facebook these days, and I just wanted to comment here. Living here in Singapore it feels like I experience most of my peers' lives through the internet, since I know very few of them in real life (thanks, cliques). Here we go!

If you post pictures of yourself drinking underage, I automatically assume you are stupid. I'm sorry, but it's true. Seriously, you are 1) showing off that you are breaking the law, 2) openly displaying that you don't respect authority and 3) are ruining your body, and proud of it. No wonder high school kids are always reminded to remove drinking photos of themselves. 

If you post pictures of yourself in trashy Halloween costumes, don't question why people make sexist/dirty comments. You have made the decision to present yourself in a way in which your sex appeal outweighs virtually everything else. Yeah yeah, don't blame the victim, but honestly now if you wore something that covered both butt cheeks then you wouldn't have guys posting that they'd like to "tap that". Think about it. 

If you spout super opinionated religious or political stuff, expect people to disagree with you. There are lots of different shades of grey regarding both religion and politics, but if you hate on another group, they will retaliate. Don't run around shouting freedom of speech after you've said something really nasty to another group. Staying away from such topics is a really good way to not make enemies. Granted, I just gave my opinion on those who post political and religious hate, but I feel like I can justify that by saying this is my blog, and I can post what I want. 

If you ever release anything of yourself naked on the internet, be it a photo, video, SnapChat, whatever, expect it to bite you in the butt. Once it is out on the internet, it's there forever. My rule of thumb is if I wouldn't want the principle and/or my mother to see it, it's not on the internet. And actually, it just doesn't exist. 

There you go. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Things I Like About Singapore

Yesterday, I went out and about for the first time in a while. It got me thinking about how cool Singapore actually is all things considered. So, here's a little list. It's not necessarily in order!

  1. I can buy bubble tea at almost any shopping centre. That's pretty neat. I love that stuff, even though it's super unhealthy!
  2. The shopping here is pretty darn good. I don't know anywhere else where the are huge shopping malls built next to each other down a whole big long road. 
  3. I can buy $3 chicken rice that tastes absolutely amazing.
  4. Pepper Lunch, the biggest accident waiting to happen with hot plates that you take from the stall to your seat. It's delicious, but probably doesn't exist in America for fear of lawsuits. If you go to a country where you can get it, try it!
  5. In general the food here is amazing. The Chinese food is rocking, Malay stuff everywhere, local candies are tasty, and the lime juice is profoundly Asian. In a good way, of course. 
  6. It rains a lot. Yeah, sometimes it's a pain, and the mosquitos suck, but big thunderstorms are awesome. Until you get stuck in one. 
  7. The MRT. I don't know if it's the best in the world, but it's pretty darn good. It's better than Boston's or New Yorks BY FAR. I've taken the London Tube and it's not bad either, but Singapore's quiet MRT is really nice. 
  8. The radio. For the most part they aren't totally up to date with music over here, so we get a lot of early 2000/1990s pop. And the commercials are shorter and don't make you want to pull your hair out. 
  9. The freedom here. Singapore is pretty safe, and as a teenager I'm allowed to go out and about with friends. If you get lost, call a taxi! 
  10. Being able to travel around South East Asia. If I lived in America, a trip to Thailand over spring break would be a crazy idea. Super expensive, long flight, and generally complicated. Yet, next week my mom and I are spending three nights in Bangkok. Not too bad at all!
So, there are definitely good aspects of living here. I feel like I've been posting mostly negative stuff lately because applying for college and dealing with the Crucible was hectic, but things are better now. My SAT score should hopefully get me into college, which was the biggest relief ever. 

Things are looking up at last! Just have to finish my application, send it in, then WAIT!

Also, I just started a new blog. I think I know where I'm going to be taking it, but not completely certain. If it gets overly personal/hard to deal with then it may not live long, but whatever.

I think the URL indicates what it is about fairly well. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I'm Not Mad... Yet

I do not know where to begin with this post, but I know I need to clear my head. Everything seems to be getting busy this week and it's rather tiring. The dance show is a mess and the only part of it that looks decent is the Tea Party (woohoo!) apparently.

Today was a weird day in general. There was a big accident on the PIE, my friend's bus got rear-ended, my dad brought home a heartbreaking story about a family separated thanks to deporting a woman for a non-contagious disease.

I'm exhausted. Senior year is a drain, and aspects of it make me want to cry. High school has not been the worst experience ever (that crown forever goes to Middle School), but there are aspects of it that destroy my faith in humanity every day. The amount I hear about who is dating who, who is wearing what, and who did this or that over the weekend makes me want to pull my hair out. Sometime I feel like a Vulcan surrounded by annoying humans. Live long and prosper...  At least I'm going to Turkey in February, otherwise I don't think I'd have motivation to do much of anything but daydream.

I don't know if I've ever discussed my personality type on here, but I'm an INTP. Apparently it's fairly uncommon for women to be INTP, and it's the direct opposite of the ideal woman (according to some articles on the internet). I'm not sure if this bothers me or not, but I have noticed recently that I think differently than other students around me. The level of emotion, morality and compassion other people use in their arguments flabbergast me on a routine basis. Is there no logic in this world anymore? Does it really matter how organised and cutesy your notes are as long as you learn something from them? Also, what is with small talk. You blab about useless things that you are forgetting as soon as you hear. Can't people talk about more useful things than the weather, if the classroom is cold or not, etc?

At the end of the year, I'm not going to be looking back at high school wishing I was still here. I'm ready to move on and talk to people who can think outside the box (that's not just high school, it seems like everyone here has no sense of creativity).

Monday, October 21, 2013

Right... I Have a Blog

Well, I've been really bad about posting lately. The school play is finally over, so maybe I'll have a bit more time for a few weeks or so before the dance show really picks up. I can't remember if I'm mentioned it before, but the play was "The Crucible" and the dance show is "Alice in Wonderland". I video switched the Crucible, which was incredibly time consuming but ultimately worked out alright. In Alice I'm the dormouse (the mouse in the teapot), which has turned out to be a lot of dancing because I can join random dances without being recognised. In the introduction I dance as one of the Alices, and I do so later when she grows and shrinks. It's kind of cool.

School has been a whirlwind. I'm trying to finish up my AP European History paper for the Concord Review, which I've been trying to do for the past year... quite literally. Then there's the darn Common App, which apparently hasn't been working for anyone. I feel like submitting on the 26th might be cutting it close, but I haven't finished my essays yet. They are mostly done, but I just want to keep tweaking.

I'm also nervous about my SAT score, which will be released on the 24th. It could be a real determining factor for if I can get into the honours college at BU, which would be a neat experience if I got in. Can't get my hopes up too much about anything really, since it all depends on the other people who apply as well! College applications is royally exhausting. After I get in, I am going to bake myself cookies. It doesn't matter where I get in... the cookies will be baked!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Rocking the Apathy

I was the cheerleader who quit before the Thanksgiving Day game. I am the girl who probably would forget the school mascot if you didn't tell me it constantly. I don't care what our sports teams do. I don't know who this popular blonde girl is that you've been telling me about for the past ten minutes. I'm not one to dress up in a revealing group costume on Halloween and then wonder why guys stare at my chest rather than my face.

I'm going to graduate at the end of this year in a class of strangers, and a large part of my doesn't care. Even though I could say, "oh, if I had put in more effort, I could have gotten to know more people". And I have, to an extent. But in all honesty the culture of my school is fundamentally clique based. Everyone has their own group of friends, and breaking into a new group is a real accomplishment. I don't know if race matters, but like everything else in Singapore I'm sure it does to a degree. Maybe it's easier if you're white, I wouldn't know. I'm sure it's easier if you like talking about clothes and hookups and what happened last weekend.

If I had stayed in the USA, I would have graduated with kids I grew up with. I would have cared where they wanted to go to college, enjoyed gossip about the latest engagement or whatever else happens in small towns. Though I would still have not really cared about school spirit, I would have wanted to make the school a better place. I would have wanted to leave that small town, but go back during the holidays.

I guess it's weird to be seventeen and in a relationship that has lasted more than a couple of months.  You hear of couples that last years of course, but it seems like the majority fizzle out quite quickly. I hear girls talk about this guy or that guy, and I don't get it. Why would you hook up with random people when you could find someone who actually cares about you?

Of course it's not easy, but for heaven's sake I'm a nerd and I managed to do it! If pretty is as pretty does, then trashy is as trashy does. If you make yourself easy and consider yourself and your body worthless.... of course you're going to be upset with yourself and others will look down on you. It's really not that complicated. Before someone tries to fuss about "slut shaming", that's not what I'm doing here.  Now, if you value yourself as an easy hookup, how can you expect anyone else to view you better than that?