Sunday, June 2, 2013


Today has become a college search day, which is the strangest mix of fun, exhausting, relaxing, stressful and altogether time consuming. 

Though I'm considering both the US and the UK, I found researching UK schools to be much easier. They've got this great site called UCAS that's actually practical and easy to use, unlike the multitude of US websites (primarily the College Board). Anyways, today I've found about 9 universities I'm interested in, the top ones apparently being Leeds, Lancaster, Bristol and York. However, there are still loads of universities there, and the more I research the more I find. UK universities cost about as much as an out-of-state tuition per year, though it ranges considerably. Much cheaper than places like Sarah Lawrence that charges $60,000 in tuition alone!

US schools offer a lot of opportunities to take many different classes not tied to your major. However, it takes 4 years to get your degree at a fairly high cost, which is no fun. Then getting your Master's takes another two years....

Hard call, really.

Stupid universities. Why must there be so many of you? Can't you all get together, throw your best qualities in, and make Super University?

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