Isn't this an interesting point of view? It's worth watching the whole thing, or at least getting through her major points. The fact that she's going out and speaking her mind on this is pretty amazing. She says it better than what I can say myself, from a Singaporean point of view. Being an expat, I've had this impression of Singaporeans for a while. Also, she's wicked talented, so you should check out her videos even though she doesn't have many.
That being said, I think Singapore is still a nicer place than New England at times. If this girl thinks Singaporeans are rude, she's obviously seen the eyes-forward-no-stopping-almost-sprint that is the New England gait. New Englanders are often seen as the rudest/meanest in the USA, but they are ultimately tough cookies.
The creativity thing is something to note, though. I'm in Chingay parade as a travelling dancer with my school, and I have to note that the Singaporean costumes are amazing. However, many are extremely traditionally based with only minor alternations. Singaporeans may be able to put on a great show, but it's not a creative show. The music (excerpt of lyrics: "we are so happy to be here today"), the reassurance that together as a country we are great... I'm all for national pride (and heaven's knows cultural cleavage rich Singapore needs it), but it's laid on thick and gets swallowed like cod-liver oil.
Also, the American group (us) is the only travelling group dance that I'm aware of that changes formation. Isn't that strange?
Make of this video what you will. I thought it was worth talking about.
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