Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sleepoever Saturday

Hello there,

This was an extremely busy week, for a change. It was also a bruise-filled week because of dance- seriously I've never had my knees completely purple until now! It's shocking.

My friends Appu and Deepti are coming over tonight for some shopping and sleep-overing. It's Appu's last weekend here so we're going to simply do as much fun stuff as we possibly can.

I'm meeting lots of new people through dance and through my classes, which is pretty nice except I've been associating people's names with places and can't remember them in the hallway later! So far this move hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I have friends that I can talk to and will laugh with me when I screw up and walk on the wrong side of the hallway.

On another note, my school does this thing every year called interim. It's basically a week of school without walls... in another country! Most of my friends are going to China or Myanmar... but not me!


So come February, you'll be hearing a lot about Japan. And me attempting to learn Japanese with a computer program I bought yesterday. Japanese is hard!


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