Friday, June 24, 2011

Surprise Party


So today was my official last day of school that was very enjoyable with my physics exam. Haha.

Afterwards, my friends Aishwarya and Ronia took me to the mall. We made a build-a-bear (that was actually a bunny) and just did some general shopping. Then, we saw Green Lantern, which I highly recommend to pretty much anyone. We got picked up at Barnes and Noble then...

I walked into Ronia's house with my shopping bags and everything when roughly 20 friends of mine jumped out of no where screaming "SURPRISE!'

Still kind of amazed that they managed to pull off the surprise, considering it was apparently last minute and everything. We had a really great time hanging out and stuff.

I suppose tonight's party has really made the I'm-moving-to-another-country-half-way-around-the-world-and-this-is-the-last-time-I'll-see-some-of-these-people-again sink in. I've caught up a bit with some old friends and hung out with some newer ones tonight. I really appreciate that the party was thrown tonight.

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