Sunday, May 18, 2014

Legality Smells Like Vodka Cranberry

Well, I had my first weekend out as a legal adult here in Singapore. I can't say it was the best weekend ever, mostly because I ended up becoming a dictator Friday night after people got sick. For their privacy, I'm not going to tell those stories on this blog. I will say, however, that being young does not mean you are invincible. Also, I need a substantial amount of money back after SOMEONE got sick in the taxi. And it wasn't me. Oh no, it wasn't. The end.

I had a birthday tea on Saturday, which was really fun. We went to the Fullerton Hotel for the second seating of afternoon tea. The food was pretty good, but the environment made the whole event quite lovely. I am so lucky that I was able to find a good group of girls to hang out with as the semester comes to a close.

After tea time I went clubbing for the very first time ever. Most kids here in Singapore do club... but I'm not here to bust my classmates. Anyways, I went to Zouk, which is an internationally recognised club. It's beautiful inside. It does not look like much from the outside, but inside there are tunnels and lights and smoke puffing from machines every 30 seconds. Disclosure was playing, which was nice except that there were about a million people on the dance floor. People were pushing rather than dancing and the idiots that decided to bring drinks onto the dance floor spilled them everywhere. I personally got splashed with a vodka cranberry, which I really did not appreciate. Regardless, I can say it was an experience.

It's funny how in Singapore for us expat kids, legality means drinking. It doesn't mean driving (who wants to drive on this little island?!), and it doesn't mean voting. It means self-indulging and having wild nights, remembering half of it the next day (though I remember everything). It also means dancing on platforms and getting videos posted online, then laughing through worry that someone important will see it.

Granted, I'm underage in America but posting about drinking in Singapore. Are there potential repercussions? I don't know yet. If there are, I'll take this post down. However, anyone trying to convince themselves that American kids don't drink in America as teenagers really need to get a grip. I personally didn't, but I know many that did. Alcohol is one of those funny topics, isn't it?

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