To sum up today in a few words: Diablo, Nick, AP Euro, Books, College
Diablo 3: I'm not too bad at this point in the game, which continuously surprises me. I've figured out what works for me and even started using the Auction House, which is basically where people sell the equipment they found and don't want. It's all in game-money, so I never spend a dime of money that I actually care about in-game. Unfortunately I'm a girl, so naturally I feel the need to be constantly upgrading my equipment and then dying in blue.
Nick: I've been chatting with him a lot lately. It's hard to believe that we've only been apart for less than two weeks. For whatever reason, it feels like a lot longer than that.
AP Euro: Since I've realised that it's July 20th, I've started actually working on my AP Euro. Which to be frank isn't the most interesting topic in the world even though I love history. The novel is better than the textbook, and the textbook is better than the endless packets. While I understand the necessity of review questions, I think this many are excessive.
Books: Today I went to Kinokuniya, which is one of the best book stores I've ever been to. After getting lost in the Japanese section for a while, I managed to pick up two Chinese story books and one Chinese fashion/beauty magazine. The story books are technically short chapter books for young readers, which makes me feel like an idiot considering I can barely understand them. Then, the magazine is completely impossible. The format is really different from Western magazines, mostly because it is read from right to left. Then, some of the text is vertical and also read from the right to left. In addition, the font is super tiny. So I won't be understanding my magazine any time soon, but at least there are pretty pictures so it wasn't a total waste of S$7. Unfortunately today I also got an SAT book. To be honest, I'm not as afraid as many of my peers about the SAT. I'm going to score what I'm going to score, and there's no real changing of that. I can prepare a lot of course, but ultimately I know I'm not going to get a perfect score. It's just not realistic for me as a student. However, I do want to score high enough to get into a good college. It may just not be Brown or Yale or whatever.
College: Today there seems to have been a lot of talk about me going off to college, getting into college, and what college I'm going to pick. I know other kids are having these discussions too, but it really doesn't make sense to me. First of all, I've got another year before I even apply to college. This is SAT year. While practically all my friends are applying this year, I instead have to work for a good GPA. Therefore, getting into college really doesn't seem like an issue to me. "Do your best and see what happens" is kind of my motto for this upcoming year. It's not "Panic like you're a senior about college, stress out, and make a fuss". In terms of what college I'm going to pick: Northeast USA, Midwest, Japan (unlikely), UK (unlikely), Canada (slightly more likely that the UK and Japan). There. That's all I feel like I need to do at the moment. Perhaps I have a false sense of security- personally I just think I am being realistic!
Quote of the Day: "Can I be the only hope for you? Because you're the only hope for me." - My Chemical Romance, "The Only Hope for Me is You"